Banksy for Sale, in Pietrasanta

10 Luglio 2021 - 31 Luglio 2021

Banksy for sale, in Pietrasanta
(Exhibition of authorized invoiceable editions, unauthorized to be called "Exhibition", but you can think it like that if you want because it actually is)

Si apre il 10 luglio in occasione della "Collectors Night" nella nuova sede della Galleria Deodato Arte a Pietrasanta, la straordinaria mostra - evento, dal titolo palesemente provocatorio: Banksy for sale, in Pietrasanta (Exhibition of authorized invoiceable editions, unauthorized to be called "Exhibition", but you can think it like that if you want because it actually is).

L’esposizione, che inaugura il nuovo spazio di Via Garibaldi e che negli scorsi mesi ha riscosso un grande successo di pubblico, stampa e critica a Bruxelles - sold out per oltre 3 mesi, con 20.000 persone registrate, record di visitatori e imponente copertura mediatica - conta su opere tutte certificate Pest Control, tra le più significative di Banksy ed alcune non facilmente rinvenibili, come il trittico "Love is in the air" (Flower Thrower) nella versione originale del Gross Domestic Product.

Banksy for sale, in Pietrasanta
(Exhibition of authorized invoiceable editions, unauthorized to be called "Exhibition", but you can think it like that if you want because it actually is)

The extraordinary exhibition - event, with a clearly provocative title, opens on 10 July on the occasion of the "Collectors Night" in the new headquarters of the Galleria Deodato Arte in Pietrasanta.

The exhibition, which inaugurates the new space in Via Garibaldi and which in recent months has met with great success with the public, press and critics in Brussels - sold out for over 3 months, with 20,000 people registered, visitor records and impressive media coverage - it counts on works all certified by Pest Control, among the most significant by Banksy and some not easily found, such as the triptych "Love is in the air" (Flower Thrower) in the original version of the Gross Domestic Product.

Trittico "Love is in the air" - opera originale di Banksy esposta presso la Galleria Deodato Arte Pietrasanta.jpg
Trittico "Love is in the air" - opera originale di Banksy esposta presso la Galleria Deodato Arte Pietrasanta

Banksy. The Brussels Show - Galleria Deodato Arte Brussels.jpg
Banksy. The Brussels Show - Galleria Deodato Arte Brussels.jpg